These beautiful White Aster Seeds were Wild Harvested in Northern Ontario.
White Aster seeds need to be cold stratified for sprouting. This means that you must plant them in the Fall fro sprouting in the Spring. Or, you can put them in your fridge for a few weeks and plant them in the Spring. At this point they can be planted directly or started indoors.
These seeds were harvested from wild plants that have never been sprayed or fertilized. They are completely organic. Also we DO NOT add any PRESERVATIVES of any kind. What you get is pure, unadulterated White Aster Seeds.!
Also, what I would love even more than your purchase is to help you do this on your own. Visit me on Instagram @jenno_cooks or email me at with any questions. Go homemade!!!!!! 💋
If you are local, I do accept barter for homemade goods, produce or plant stock in lieu of cash payment. Shoot me an email.